Pineapple-Cornmeal Confront Scour Blend a some any sort cornmeal (blue is lovely)
Pineapple-Cornmeal Confront Scour Blend a some any sort cornmeal (blue is lovely) with one tablespoon of pineapple-Cornmeal Twofold this on the off chance that you like, however utilize it all. Utilizing your fingertips,
take a couple of minutes to rub the blend delicately everywhere all over with round movements Unwind for around 10 minutes, then flush off with lukewarm to-cool water. Utilize just characteristic, unsweetened, natural juice.
Undoubtedly, purchase a little jug of unadulterated juice from a wellbeing sustenance store, or press from new pineapple. Drink or eat whatever you don’t use for your facial. Then again, keep any additional juice firmly topped and refrigerated. (New entire/slice pineapple never appears to do well in the ice chest for long, however the juice improves.)