How to strengthen your body? : If you want to sport a beautifully toned silhouette on the beach this summer, it is better to get started now! Firming up your body means avoiding a flabby, slack look: you stand straight, your stomach tucked in, and your chin up. As for your skin, it must be pampered to keep an elastic and firm appearance.
Atout Femme give you 3 tips to strengthen your body simply, with a few daily exercises.
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How to strengthen your body?
1- We contract our muscles
How to strengthen your body? It is not because you spend several hours a day in front of a computer that you should adopt a slack posture anyway! First, think of the image you want to convey: a person who stands straight will always look more professional than someone with a bent back.
Perhaps you are not very sporty or you simply do not have the time to do exercises during the week … Think again! When you are sitting at your workstation, standing at the coffee machine, or on public transportation, How to strengthen your body? you can exercise your muscles and strengthen your body! You just need to think about contracting your abs from time to time: alternate the 30s contraction and 10s rest phases, several times in a row in 5 minutes.
Finally, How to strengthen your body? consider taking the stairs, it will work your glutes! If it is mainly your buttocks that are causing you the problem, we recommend our video exercises to lose your saddlebags.
2- We do a little sport
Of course, the ideal would be to take out a subscription to the local gym or swimming pool, and to go there once or twice a week … But you can also do some exercises at home! How to strengthen your body The main thing is to go at your own pace, and especially not to start having “too much” ambition at first.

To strengthen your body, it is better to set a small program of 15 minutes a week to start with, rather than counting on 2 hours a week and sticking to it only after 2 or 3 poor weeks… If you have to be realistic and plan a program in accordance with your habits and your motivation! To learn how to lose belly in particular, we recommend our file on how to eliminate belly fat.
To practice sport simply and easily from home, we advise you to do squats, some abs, push-ups, and sheathing. Create a personal program to prioritize the areas of the body that suit you. No doubt you should see the difference after a few weeks: to firm up your body, you just have to persevere and not be discouraged!
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3- We monitor our diet
Of course, if you want to get a firmer silhouette, you also have to be careful what you put on your plate! It is obvious that if you chain aperitifs with petit fours, cold meats and alcohol, you will have trouble displaying this graceful body of which you dream so much.
Useless for all that to embark on a drastic diet or to deprive yourself of all your little culinary pleasures … You just have to learn to eat everything in reasonable quantities. Also be sure to take your meals always at the same times and banish small snacks. If you have a “big” snack at 10 am or 3 pm, eat a fruit or a square of dark chocolate, it will always be preferable to a packet of cookies or chocolate bars.
How to strengthen your body? Also remember to hydrate yourself well: water is your best slimming ally! Drinking a lot helps remove toxins and makes the skin firmer and more elastic.
4- We adopt a healthy lifestyle
You must also take care to have a good daily rhythm: if you chain sleepless nights, sleepy mornings, and sunrises at dawn, your body will not be able to follow you!
Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, and get at least 8 hours of sleep a day. This is the time it takes for you to effectively recharge your batteries and get off on the right foot! To display a firm silhouette, you also need to be alert!
Also, be careful not to drink too much alcohol as it contains many more calories than you might think at first. In addition, How to strengthen your body? there is a tendency, when consuming alcohol or soda, not to drink enough water, since one feels – falsely – quenched thirst. Which is clearly not recommended to effectively firm your figure!
In short, to adopt a beautiful look, you must:
- Drink lots of water every day
- Sleep at least 8 hours a day
- Eat healthy
- Prefer stairs to elevators
Do at least twenty minutes of exercises (abs, glutes, sheathing …) per week